GRIEF….what is Grief?

Grief is the internal part of loss, how we feel; it’s a process and a journey. It does not end on a certain day or date. It is as individual as our DNA. Grief is real because loss is real. Each grief has its own imprint, as distinctive and as unique as the person we lost. The pain of loss is so intense, so heartbreaking, because in loving we deeply connect with another human being, and grief is the reflection of the connection that has been lost.

When does Grief end?

Grief is not just a series of events, or stages or timelines. Our Society places enormous pressure on us to get over loss, to get through the grief. But how long do you grieve for a husband of fifty years? A child who died by fentanyl poisoning? A teenager killed in a car accident? A four-year-old child? A year? Five years? Forever? The loss happens in a moment, but its aftermath lasts a lifetime.

When you're in grief, it's so important to be with people who "really get it". Our mourning sessions whether individual or in a group, are not to fix or judge but yet to be able to talk about the loss of your loved one with others who understand the depth of your pain.

Services Offered

RoseAnn is a Certified Grief Educator, Grief Movement Therapy Coach, Certified End of Life Doula (Inelda), a Certified EFT Practitioner (EFTi) as well as a Registered Medical Assistant (AMT). RoseAnn, like you, has traveled the painful road of grief through the losses of a son to fentanyl poisoning, step-son who died by suicide, a husband, ex-husband, mother, father, dear mother-in-law as well as experienced other forms of grief like pet loss, divorce, etc. RoseAnn provides individual and group sessions guiding you in your healing process. RoseAnn creates legacy projects as well as a vigil plan for the final days of life specifically designed by and for the client as they write the perfect ending to their life story. She provides respite and companionship for the family guiding their path through the transition from life to death and into grief and beyond. RoseAnn is also a Holy Fire Advanced Reiki Master/Teacher. RoseAnn volunteers her time as a Mentor Angel for Imerman Angels and works with clients of all ages on grief, anxiety, worry, fears, trauma, as well as cancer patients and provides guidance in self care techniques. Please email or call 631-921-0385/865-738-3176 for an individual session or to join a group session.

Grief Movement Training is designed to help using movement, breath, and sound to help embrace a mind/body/spirit approach to transformative healing. 

We'll embrace a mind/body/spirit approach to compassionately allow sadness and anger to move through. 

Embracing these exercises and techniques to help release struggle, to allow space for new insights, harmony, appreciation, love, and forgiveness.

This transformative movement practice is all done from a chair and isn’t so much about physical flexibility as it is emotional liberation.